I have begun my blog to raise awareness to the chronic disease Endometriosis. I would like my blog to be a source of information on all aspects of this disease - whether that be surgery, treatment or the day-to-day aspects of living with this condition. I have created a Video Blog to work along side this to discuss a whole variety of issues.

Monday 16 July 2012

An update on my surgery....

Well, one and all - it has been a while since I last wrote on my blog - I have been somewhat lax... I underwent yet another Lap surgery a few weeks ago. 6 months after my last lap...
I was really hoping that this surgery would be the one to get me back onto the road of reovery and enable me to get some of my life back in the way that it was before. Alas, that was not to be the case...
My surgery was scheduled as a day case, and the hope was that the endo that was there would have reduced with the 7 months of zoladex I was put onto again, making things easier to remove. The plan was to laser it all away - pack me on my way and get recovering.
Things however - were a lot worse than we all believed they would be. My uterus was stuck to my pelvis first and foremost and so it hat to be unstuck - a very painful experience indeed!! Waking up to being on a morphine drip scared the hell out of me and I really thought that must mean that some serious work had been done. Oh how I wish... My endo is now deep infiltrated, and has continued to worsen whilst on the zoladex, they were unable to remove the endo. I need excision of the endo as opposed to just the laser removal and I am also in need of a bowel resection, as the endo had greatly damaged my bowel function. Which I have greatly experienced for the last 2 years. I am being referred to an excision specialist where I will have to under go a laparotomy and bowel resection. At present I dont know how long this referral will be and when I am to anticipate this next lot of surgery.
I was heartbroken when I saw my gynae following the op - so much faith had been put into this operation, and my faith was dashed. This is another reason it has taken me a while to update my blog, as I have been trying to come to terms with everything and process it all. My plans are somewhat on hold.....
I have been given an appointment with the pain clinic and i cannot wait for this!! I am hoping that they will be able to give me some pain relief that will enable me to function and be able to do more than I currently am. So fingers crossed for this!!
I will keep going and keep strong, putting faith in my team of doctors and that things will get better. I have to believe they will.... I will always have hope. x x

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